Public houses outside of the town centre

Anchor Factory Street

Anchor, Factory Street – Chesterfield Brewery



O 2

Angel, Derby Road – William Stones Ltd now a Tesco Express



O 3

The Barrel, Chatsworth Road – Brampton Brewery



O 4

Blue Stoops, Matlock Road – Brampton Brewery



O 5

Boythorpe, Boythorpe Road – William Stones Ltd.



O 6

Peacock, Chatsworth Road – Scarsdale



O 7

Prince of Wales, Chatsworth Road – Brampton Brewery now Mes Amis



O 8

Red Lion, Chatsworth Road – William Stones Ltd.



O 9

Spital Hotel, Spital Lane – Chesterfield Brewery – no longer a pub.



O 10

Star Inn, Chatsworth Road – Tennants



O 11

Wellington Hotel, Spencer Street – Home Brewery. Now converted into flats.


Demolished properties



Durham Ox, Chatsworth Road – Brampton Brewery



O 13

Terminus Hotel, Chatsworth Road – Brampton Brewery